
Get your property inspection-Ready with these fantastic tips

Are you planning to sell your property or want a home in top condition? Preparing for a building inspection is one of the most critical steps in this process. A thorough inspection uncovers potential issues and helps you make informed decisions about repairs and maintenance.

Start with a deep clean

Before the inspector arrives, take the time to give your property a deep clean. This makes a great first impression and allows the inspector to focus on the essential aspects of the building without being distracted by clutter or dirt. Clean all surfaces, including walls, floors, and windows, and remember to tidy up the exterior of your property as well. browse this site  vitalbuildinginspection.com.au/pricing/   for building inspections Sydney

Repair Minor Issues

Take a walk through your property and make a list of any minor issues that need attention. This could include fixing leaky faucets, replacing broken light bulbs, or patching small wall holes. By addressing these minor problems beforehand, you demonstrate that your property is well-maintained and reduce the chances of the inspector flagging them as concerns.

Ensure easy access

Ensure the inspector has easy access to all areas of your property. This includes clearing pathways, unlocking doors, and ensuring all spaces are well-lit. If there are any hard-to-reach areas, such as crawl spaces or attics, they should be accessible and free of clutter. The easier it is for the inspector to navigate your property, the more thorough and efficient the inspection will be.

Check your roof and gutters

  • Roofs and gutters are crucial in protecting your property from water damage. Before the inspection:
  • Look at your roof for any missing, damaged, or loose shingles.
  • Clear your gutters of debris and ensure that they are appropriately secured and draining water away from your foundation.
  • If you notice any issues, consider having them repaired by a professional before the inspection.

Test your systems

Property systems, such as heating, cooling, and plumbing, will be a key focus during the inspection. To avoid surprises, test these systems beforehand to ensure they function correctly. Turn on your heating and cooling systems to check for any unusual noises or odours, and run your faucets and flush your toilets to check for leaks or drainage issues.

Address moisture issues

Moisture can be a significant building problem, leading to mould growth, structural damage, and other issues. Before the inspection, check for any signs of moisture, such as water stains on walls, ceilings, or musty odours. If you find any moisture issues, take steps to address them, such as running a dehumidifier or fixing leaks.


If you have any documentation related to your property, such as permits, warranties, or maintenance records, make sure to have them available for the inspector. This information is valuable context and demonstrates that you have proactively maintained your property.

Be Honest and Upfront

If there are any known issues with your property, it’s best to be honest and upfront about them with the inspector. Trying to hide problems will only create mistrust and could lead to more significant issues. Being transparent shows you are committed to addressing concerns and working towards a positive outcome.

Preparing for a building inspection may seem daunting, but following these fantastic tips will ensure your property is in the best possible condition. From deep cleaning and minor repairs to testing systems Documentation, taking a proactive approach to your inspection will pay off in the long run.